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      automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2016: Paper for download

      On 12 and 13 April 2016 the 8th Automotive CAE Grand Challenge took place in Hanau. SCALE held a lecture on the integrated post-data management system CAViT. The presentation CAViT – Workbench for evaluation, comparison and validation of CAT and CAE result data is available for download.

      The annually organized conference held by carhs will contribute to the cooperation between automotive manufacturers, software developers and researchers to meet the current challenges of computer-aided automotive production. DYNAmore, the mother company of SCALE, is sponsor of the event.

      CAViT gives users simultaneous access to simulation and test data. The system offers assessments of simulation and test results on the basis of key results and given rating schemes. CAViT comes with an interface for integrating any third-party application for report generation, visualization of post data or any evaluation process.

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