

      Home / News / New Feature in SCALE.sdm: Management of Product Variants and their Requirements

      New Feature in SCALE.sdm:
      Management of Product Variants and their Requirements

      Our software SCALE.sdm now offers another powerful feature: the management of product variants. This new functionality makes it possible to create different product versions that are tailored to specific market or customer requirements.

      With the introduction of this feature, companies can design their product development to be even more flexible and targeted. Managing and tracking requirements for different product variants is greatly simplified. The function ensures improved oversight and planning throughout the entire development process and helps to more precisely serve individual market needs.

      This feature is particularly useful in global markets, where products often have to be adapted to regional specifics, as it ensures that all relevant requirements can be taken into account and tracked at every stage of product development without losing sight of the big picture.

      The new variant management function makes SCALE.sdm an even more indispensable tool.

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