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- Simulation Data Management
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New in SCALE.sdm: Application of Calculation Rules
We are pleased to introduce our latest feature for the integration of calculation rules. With the use of calculation rules, you can easily automate the calculation of key results. Look forward to a transparent and more effective way of working!
The new function enables you to quickly calculate new key results from existing information. Thanks to the automated calculations, your workflows become more transparent and simpler, saving you valuable time. For example, you can automatically generate an NCAP rating from one to five stars based on the other attributes of the test.
By Applying Calculation Rules, You Can:
- Improve your decision making: Determine key results quickly and easily by applying your specific evaluation logic to your existing simulation and test data.
- Speed up workflows: Optimize processes by automating the determination of key results and reduce manual efforts to increase productivity.
- Ensure reliability: Verlassen Sie sich auf nachvollziehbare, transparente Berechnungen, maßgeschneidert auf Ihre individuellen Anforderungen.
How does it work? Simply select your desired tests or simulations, apply the calculation rules and watch as new attributes are generated to support your evaluation.
Debugging Calculation Rules
If required, calculation processes can also be analyzed and traced in detail in a debugging step.
User Manual and Demo Environment
Experience the efficiency and accuracy of our latest enhancement today. Learn more in our SCALE.sdm User Manual for detailed information and step-by-step guides.
Ready to see it in action? Request access to our demo environment and discover how our feature for applying calculation rules can optimize your SDM management processes.
Personal consultation
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More Information - Simulation Data Management
- Simulation Data Management
- Simulation Data Management