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      SCALE at LS-DYNA Forum in Bamberg

      From 15 to 17 October, the 15th LS-DYNA Forum took place in Bamberg. We were there.

      From 15th to 17th October 2018 DYNAmore invites to the 15th German LS-DYNA-Forum in Bamberg. The three-day event provides a platform for exchanging views on current developments, applications and trends of LS-DYNA and LS-OPT.

      SCALE will participate in the conference as a Gold Sponsor with interesting presentations. In a workshop we will introduce our software solutions LoCo, CAViT and Status.E.

      Users and developers from industry and research will report on experiences with LS-DYNA in more than 100 lectures. They gave insights into the application possibilities of the simulation program. The goal is the exchange of knowledge and experience among the participants.

      Highlights of this year’s forum include presentations by renowned speakers such as Dr. Ing. Silke Sommer (Fraunhofer IWM), Laura Hulme (Arup), Prof. Jörg Schröder (University of Duisburg-Essen) and Dr. med. Frank Günther (Knorr brake). An accompanying software and hardware exhibition on the application fields of LS-DYNA completes the program.

      We are looking forward to your visit.

      Abstracts of our presentations can be downloaded here:

      Prospects of integrating CAD and CAE in Simulation Data Management

      Pushing storage and bandwidth requirements of SDM towards reasonable levels

      Solution for Evaluation, Assessment and Reporting of Simulation and Test Result Data

      Venue: Welcome Hotel Bamberg | Date: 15.10.18 – 17.10.18 | Registration | Conference program

      Picture from Sincerely Media on Unsplash.

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      We would like to know more about you and your project. Please use our contact form or get in touch with one of our contacts directly.