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      SCALE Magazine

      Predicting simulation results by integrating the SIDACT tool SDMZIP into simulation data management solutions from SCALE (slides). A. Gärttner, M. Thiele, A. …

      JSOL Corporation: SCALE has a new partner and reseller on the Japanes market.

      SCALE presentation at 16th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference, June 2020

      SCALE presents its activities on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

      Since October 2019, SCALE has been developing intelligent assistance systems with SIDACT and Fraunhofer SCAI.

      Recognition of FEM geometries with machine learning methods (presentation for Master Thesis) Nick Scheider, TU Dresden, 2020. PDF herunterladen

      ML-supported Design Methods for Determining Permissible Input Variables for Crash Simulation using the Example of FEM (Präsentation zur Master Thesis) Julian Haluska, …

      Erkennung von FEM-Geometrien mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens (Präsentation zur Master Thesis) Nick ScheiderTU Dresden, 2020. PDF herunterladen

      ViPrIA | Virtual product development using intelligent assistance systems Information Project name  ViPrIA: Virtual product development using intelligent assistance systems Project logo …

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