

      Home / Research projects / KI-Pro-MF: AI-Based Process Design for SMEs Using the Example of Mechanical Joining

      AI-Pro-MF |: AI-Based Process Design for SMEs Using the Example of Mechanical Joining


      Project name

      AI-Pro-MF | AI-Based Process Design for SMEs Using the Example of Mechanical Joining


      The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mechanical joining technology represents a crucial step in optimizing manufacturing processes and is part of comprehensive digitization efforts.

      The focus of the project is on developing AI-based prediction software, specifically for the clinching joining process. This software aims to facilitate the selection of optimal tools for manufacturing processes and determine the characteristics of resulting joints based on material properties.

      This technological innovation promises significant efficiency gains, with an expected substantial reduction in costs and time compared to conventional methods through the application of AI technology. Additionally, the project’s target audience extends beyond production planners to structural engineers, highlighting the project’s innovative nature, particularly in significantly improving the machine learning toolset optimization process and establishing an automated load-carrying capacity determination process for clinch connections.

      Contact SCALE

      Dr.-Ing. Ingolf Lepenies

      Project coordinator

      Dr.-Ing. Ingolf Lepenies

      Project partner

      • Eckhold GmbH & Co. KG
      • Fraunhofer IWU


      01.10.2023 – 30.09.2025


      Personal consultation

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