

      Home / Research projects / Carbon Concrete Composite | C³ – TISC3 and numerical simulation

      Carbon Concrete Composite | C³ - TISC3 and numerical simulation


      Project name

      Subproject: V4-11 Technical Information System TISC3 and numerical simulation for carbon concrete composite structures as part of the joint project: C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite

      Project logo


      The sub-project V4-11 Technical Information System TISC3 and numerical simulation for carbon concrete structures is supported and funded by the BMBF as part of the C³ joint project. It is divided into two coordinated complexes: The further development of the Technical Information System for C³ (TISC3) into a holistic system that intelligently combines measurement data management (MDM) and simulation data management (SDM) through meta-information management (MIM) is one of the goals. Another goal is the further development of computer-oriented statistical and dynamic calculations of carbon support structures.

      Project Coordinator

      Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Statics and Dynamics of Structures

      Project leader: Prof. Wolfgang Graf

      Project partner

      • Dlubal Software GmbH
      • SCALE GmbH
      • Institute for Statics and Dynamics of Structures, TU Dresden
      • Institute for Machine Tools and Control Engineering, TU Dresden



      01.10.2016 – 30.09.2018 (Phase II)


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