

      Das Vorhaben EEGO ist ein vom BMBF gefördertes Projekt mit dem Ziel der Erforschung und Entwicklung innovativer Softwaretools zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der virtuellen Crashauslegung von Fahzeugkarosserien als zentraler Bestandteil des Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozesses.

      Home / Research projects / EEGO | Development of software methods for efficient substitute model based optimization for crash design in the vehicle development process

      EEGO | Development of software methods for efficient substitute model based optimization for crash design in the vehicle development process


      Project name

      EEGO: Development of software methods for efficient substitute model-based optimization for crash design in the vehicle development process

      Project logo


      The EEGO project is a BMBF-funded project with the goal of researching and developing innovative software tools to sustainably improve the virtual crash design of vehicle bodies as a central component of the vehicle development process.

      Project Coordinator

      Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V.

      Project partner

      Fraunhofer-Institut SCAI
      SIDACT GmbH
      SCALE GmbH


       01.10.2019 – 30.09.2022


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